The trading volume of Solayer (LAYER) is $157,560,873 in the last 24 hours, representing a -40.40% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity.
What is the all-time high for Solayer (LAYER)?
The highest price paid for Solayer (LAYER) is $1.41, which was recorded on Feb 12, 2025 (3 days). Comparatively, the current price is 42.97% lower than the all-time high price.
What is the all-time low for Solayer (LAYER)?
The lowest price paid for Solayer (LAYER) is $0.7837, which was recorded on Feb 11, 2025 (3 days). Comparatively, the current price is 2.30% higher than the all-time low price.
What is the market cap of Solayer (LAYER)?
Market capitalization of Solayer (LAYER) is $165,326,435 and is ranked #352 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of LAYER tokens (210 Million tokens are tradable on the market today).
What is the fully diluted valuation of Solayer (LAYER)?
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Solayer (LAYER) is $806,470,416. This is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap, assuming the maximum number of 1 Billion LAYER tokens are in circulation today. Depending on how the emission schedule of LAYER tokens are designed, it might take multiple years before FDV is realized.
How does the price performance of Solayer compare against its peers?
With a price increase of 0.00% in the last 7 days, Solayer (LAYER) is underperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is up 3.70%, while underperforming when compared to similar Polychain Capital Portfolio cryptocurrencies which are up 18.60%.
⚡$IP Coin: The New Kid on the Blockchain?🔥
⚡ The crypto world is a wild west, with new coins popping up faster than you can say "decentralized." One of the latest to grab some attention is $IP Coin. But is it the next Bitcoin, or just another flash in the pan?😮
(What We Know (and Don't Know)
$IP Coin, also known as Infinite Possibilities Token, is a cryptocurrency that operates on a blockchain. That's about where the clear information ends. Details about its tech, its team, and its purpose are all a bit fuzzy. It's like trying to navigate in a fog – you can see some shapes, but you're not quite sure what they are.
🛑The Crypto Rollercoaster🛑
Like any crypto, $IP Coin's price is a thrill ride. One minute it's soaring, the next it's plummeting. This volatility is the name of the game in crypto, but it also means you could lose your shirt if you're not careful.
🛑Should You Jump In?🛑
That's the million-dollar question (or maybe the $IP Coin question?). With limited info and a wild market, investing in IP Coin is a gamble. If you're the type who likes to live on the edge, maybe it's your thing. But if you prefer your investments to be a bit more predictable, you might want to steer clear.
🛑Do Your Homework!🛑
Before you throw your money at $IP Coin, do some digging. Find out who's behind it, what it's supposed to do, and what the risks are. And if you're not sure, talk to a financial expert. They can help you make sense of this crazy world of crypto.
Disclaimer: I'm just an AI, not a financial advisor. This post is for fun and info only, not investment advice. Crypto is risky, so be smart with your money!
Analyst Maps Potential Impact of Probable $23B Bitcoin Reserve Bills in 20 US States
According to asset manager VanEck, a behind-the-scenes frenzy by lawmakers in 20 US States pushing for strategic Bitcoin Reserve bills has the potential to inject as much as $23 billion in demand for Bitcoin if the bills become law.
Writing a post on his social media X account, Analyst Mathew Sigel, the Head of digital asset research at VanEck, revealed that over 30 proposals directed funds into the proposed reserves, with at least 20 of those bills already under review, could buy over 247,000 Bitcoin tokens.
Bitcoin Reserve Bills $23B Potential Inflow in 20 US States
Different Sources of Budgets
According to the post, the Bitcoin Reserve Bill analysis doesn’t include potential Bitcoin purchases and allocations from pension funds that could arise due to the legislators in the 20 US States enacting the bills. Different states have measures focusing on how general budgets, special revenue accounts, and Rainy Day funds could be channeled into the Bitcoin buying frenzy, highlighting the various approaches they could use to make public money. Sigel stated:
“This $23b number is potentially conservative, given the lack of details (many of these states are ‘n/a’ with size unknown).”
Specific and Random Figures Proposed
The Bitcoin Reserve Bills from each of the 20 US States mentioned have proposed specific figures, while others, like Montana and New Hampshire, do not mention specific figures. For Wyoming, reports indicate that the state initially aimed at allocating 3% of its $27.1 billion budget but has slowed down on the process as other states have their proposals through committees to introductory stages. New Mexico, Missouri, Iowa, and South Dakota are among the states pushing for varying percentages, revealing their shared outlook that the BTC could be a hedge or alternative store of value.
Get Involved in Bitcoin’s Financial Innovation
North Carolina became the latest entrant to the list of 20 US states planning to invest at least 10% of select state funds into crypto through the Bitcoin Reserve Bills. According to some legislators in the state, diversification and inflation hedging were the reasons for pushing into the crypto world. In contrast, others observed needing involvement in Bitcoin’s financial innovation. Nonetheless, there are pockets of critics concerned about BTC’s volatility, believing it remained a serious barrier to institutional adoption and the absence of an appropriate legal and political environment.
Different stages of legislation
Some States at Advanced Stages of Legislation
In the State of Oklahoma, the committee looking into the bill has proposed a 10% allocation from the $14.7 billion funding it receives from the federal government, which could buy at least 15,000 Bitcoins. On the other hand, Massachusetts is said to be creating legislation targeting its Rainy Day fund, which already holds at least $8.8 billion. At the same time, Texas legislators are at an advanced stage with a proposal to allocate at least 1%of the state’s general revenue toward the developing Bitcoin Reserve Bills. Commenting, analyst CoinShares recently said in a blog post:
“We believe that enacting the Bitcoin Act in the United States would have a more profound long-term impact on Bitcoin than the launch of ETFs.”
According to data from BitcoinTreasuries.NET, at least 150 companies have Bitcoin treasuries, as they believe the digital asset could be a good hedge against inflation. In addition to the 20 US States, the federal government under Donald Trump is already exploring the potential for Bitcoin Reserve Bills, which industry experts believe could end up serving as a vehicle for the US government to buy BTC.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What’s with Bitcoin Reserve Bills Frenzy?
Legislation would allow states to diversify their portfolios and legally invest in BTC, eventually making Bitcoin a legitimate part of the global financial market.
What are the advantages of legislation?
The states would benefit from diversification since their eggs would be spread over multiple baskets instead of only one basket, as they are currently.
Are there any disadvantages?
Cryptocurrencies are still nascent and subject to price swings, making them a gamble because of volatility.
What’s in store for Bitcoin and State finance?
It’s difficult to draw a line right now, but enticing times lie ahead as states mull legislating the potential for investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
One Safe
Appendix Glossary for Key Terms
Bitcoin: A digital currency that operates free of any central control or the oversight of banks or governments.
Bills: Proposed laws introduced into a legislative body, such as a state or national legislature.
Strategic Reserve: A stockpile of items or resources by a government or business that are kept on hand for use when needed.
ETFs: Funds traded on exchanges, tracking a specific index or asset.
📣 Altcoin Comeback? “Golden Cross” Signal Points to Potential Surge – Top 4 Picks
The altcoin market has been swinging since 2024, with coins like Solana hitting levels no one expected. But after a recent sharp dip, the market is showing signs it might bounce back. Technical indicators, as the “golden cross” in charts even hint at altcoins gearing up for another surge.
💬 ALTCOIN GOLDEN CROSS JUST FLASHED!Last time? A 10X rally.History tends to repeat…Are you positioned? — Merlijn The Trader (@MerlijnTrader) February 11, 2025
🔸 Altcoin Index Dip: Buy Signal in Disguise?
Granted, the Altcoin Season Index does look a bit bearish at the moment, but this pullback could actually be a good sign for long-term investors.
History shows similar dips have often come right before major rallies. According to a top analyst, these four altcoins, in particular, could impact the upcoming bull market.
🔸 $SUI : New ATHs Soon?
SUI, currently sitting at 13th in the market with a solid $10 billion valuation, is seen as one of the top contenders for the next bull run.
Despite a correction in its price from all-time highs, it still holds growth potential. Back on January 6 2025, the coin peaked around $5.35, and it could rise again once the market recovers.
🔸 Aerodrome Finance ($AERO ): DeFi Summer 2.0 on Base Chain?
Aerodrome Finance has quickly become the go-to decentralized exchange (DEX) for the Base Chain, which has seen a lot of fresh interest. Aerodrome Finance’s market cap is around $600 million, which suggests ample room for growth.
Considering the growing demand for Base Chain’s ecosystem and the popularity of meme coins, this coin could see explosive gains, similar to what was observed during the DeFi Summer of 2021.
🔸 $ONDO : A Discounted Buy?
Ondo, a major player in the Real-World Asset (RWA) sector, continues to attract attention due to its growing popularity among investors.
This coin has already put up some impressive numbers and has a market cap of roughly $4.2 billion. According to the analyst we cited earlier, Ondo’s current price of around $1.35 could be a steal, offering investors the chance to buy in at a favorable price.
🔸 Hedera ($HBAR ): Next Market Leader?
Hedera (HBAR), with a sizable $9 billion market cap, has experienced a surge in price and is now undergoing a correction.
But, this dip could be the ideal entry point for investors looking to buy at a discount. Hedera has built a strong ecosystem and is working with several major companies, including Google, T-Mobile, and LG, which strengthens its position in the market.
What is the daily trading volume of Solayer (LAYER)?
The trading volume of Solayer (LAYER) is $157,560,873 in the last 24 hours, representing a -40.40% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity.
What is the all-time high for Solayer (LAYER)?
The highest price paid for Solayer (LAYER) is $1.41, which was recorded on Feb 12, 2025 (3 days). Comparatively, the current price is 42.97% lower than the all-time high price.
What is the all-time low for Solayer (LAYER)?
The lowest price paid for Solayer (LAYER) is $0.7837, which was recorded on Feb 11, 2025 (3 days). Comparatively, the current price is 2.30% higher than the all-time low price.
What is the market cap of Solayer (LAYER)?
Market capitalization of Solayer (LAYER) is $165,326,435 and is ranked #352 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of LAYER tokens (210 Million tokens are tradable on the market today).
What is the fully diluted valuation of Solayer (LAYER)?
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Solayer (LAYER) is $806,470,416. This is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap, assuming the maximum number of 1 Billion LAYER tokens are in circulation today. Depending on how the emission schedule of LAYER tokens are designed, it might take multiple years before FDV is realized.
How does the price performance of Solayer compare against its peers?
With a price increase of 0.00% in the last 7 days, Solayer (LAYER) is underperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is up 3.70%, while underperforming when compared to similar Polychain Capital Portfolio cryptocurrencies which are up 18.60%.