daily trading volume of Ava AI
What is the daily trading volume of Ava AI (AVA)?
The trading volume of Ava AI (AVA) is $116,405,887 in the last 24 hours, representing a -23.50% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity.
What is the all-time high for Ava AI (AVA)?
The highest price paid for Ava AI (AVA) is $0.3318, which was recorded on Jan 15, 2025 (6 days). Comparatively, the current price is 52.24% lower than the all-time high price.
What is the all-time low for Ava AI (AVA)?
The lowest price paid for Ava AI (AVA) is $0.01137, which was recorded on Dec 20, 2024 (about 1 month). Comparatively, the current price is 1,293.38% higher than the all-time low price.
What is the market cap of Ava AI (AVA)?
Market capitalization of Ava AI (AVA) is $156,490,020 and is ranked #401 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of AVA tokens (1 Billion tokens are tradable on the market today).
What is the fully diluted valuation of Ava AI (AVA)?
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Ava AI (AVA) is $156,490,020. This is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap, assuming the maximum number of 1 Billion AVA tokens are in circulation today. Depending on how the emission schedule of AVA tokens are designed, it might take multiple years before FDV is realized.
The AVA AI token made a stratospheric rise of 359.76% in the 24-hour course, paving the way for speculators and financiers alike. AVA is still at $0.02777 and is at the 3013th place in cryptocurrency rankings, with a market capitalization of $27.77 million.
The increment in the coin’s price is manifested in the growing volume of the trading, which stands at 9.07 million for the last 24 hours, which is 24.83% up. This rush in the stock has led to a 32.66% volume-to-market cap ratio, which denotes the fact that a lot of investors want to trade AVA, and liquidity is fine.
AVA AI is the short version of AVAAI, and it seems to be the main player in the AI-based cryptocurrency trading world. The project insists that it will provide unique approaches for both novice and expert traders, and it will make use of artificial intelligence in guessing future trends and inventing the right trading strategy.
AVA’s current and maximum supply of 1 billion AVA tokens, in which the entire amount claimed is in circulation, emulates transparency in their token distribution. Such a prospect can cause the investor to have faith since the distributor – the project itself – removes the fear of the hogging of the greater part of the supply or the one-man one-dog ownership and management.
The purposes of the platform’s market appear to direct their campaigns to potential investors, who are assured significant profits with meager initial funding. We recommend you take the time not to believe advertisements of the potential of profit-making with a small investment, though they have attracted a huge following in recent years. The reality of the matter is that cryptocurrency is quite volatile and extremely risky.
AVA AI is an example of a company that has gotten into the trend of applying high-end technologies to the cryptocurrency market. The cryptocurrency market, in the longer term, will test the durability of such projects. It is clear that the current market reaction to AVAAI is quite enthusiastic, and there seems to be a lot of interest in the use of AI in trading in the cryptocurrency world.
Melania Trump’s Meme Coin Debut Shakes Crypto Market, Hits Trump Token Value
On January 19, 2025, Melania Trump introduced her own cryptocurrency, the MELANIA meme coin, to her 3.2 million followers on X (formerly Twitter). The launch led to a rapid surge in the token's value, reaching a $4 billion market capitalization within 30 minutes, as reported by DEXScreener. This swift rise attracted nearly 20,000 investors within the first hour. The MELANIA token is described on its official website as a means to "support" and "engage" with Melania Trump, emphasizing that it is "not intended" as an investment.
The introduction of the MELANIA coin had an immediate impact on the TRUMP meme coin, launched by President Donald Trump just days earlier. The TRUMP coin, which had achieved a fully diluted market capitalization of $36 billion after a 19,000% surge in its first 24 hours, experienced a significant decline. Following Melania Trump's announcement, the TRUMP coin's market capitalization dropped by $5 billion, decreasing from $15 billion to $10 billion, according to CoinMarketCap data.
Meme coins represent a quirky and highly unpredictable segment of the cryptocurrency market. Often launched as jokes with no inherent value, their prices can skyrocket if enough buyers jump on board. One of the most famous examples is Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency featuring a lovable dog mascot that humorously exclaims phrases like “much wow.” However, the world of meme coins also attracts scammers seeking to exploit unsuspecting investors for quick financial gain
Meanwhile, ethics watchdogs have raised concerns regarding potential conflicts of interest arising from these ventures. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington highlighted that President Trump's business dealings could pose ethical challenges during his presidency. Additionally, blockchain analytics firm Bubblemaps revealed that 90% of the MELANIA token supply is held in a single wallet, prompting further scrutiny. The MELANIA token's allocation includes 35% for team vesting, with the remainder distributed among treasury, community, public distribution, and liquidity. In contrast, 80% of the TRUMP token's supply is reserved for entities linked to the Trump Organization, leaving only 20% available for public investors and liquidity.
$WOOF and the Lost Dogs NFT Collection Overview
The Lost Dogs NFT Collection is the core of the $WOOF platform, offering both collectible and functional value to its holders. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
Key Features of the Lost Dogs NFT Collection:
1. Generative Design:
Each Lost Dog NFT is uniquely crafted with distinct traits, appearances, and characteristics, making them one-of-a-kind assets in the digital space.
2. Entry to the Lost Dogs Universe:
Owning a Lost Dog NFT grants players access to the platform’s ecosystem and special events, serving as a gateway to exclusive opportunities.
3. Interactive Activities:
NFT owners can participate in breeding new dogs, expanding the collection, and creating unique lineages.
Engage in platform-wide events and mini-games, increasing the utility