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LikeCoin 价格



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LikeCoin 今日价格

LikeCoin 的实时价格为 $0.001200(LIKE / USD),当前市值为$0.00 USD。24小时交易量为$690.2 USD。LIKE至USD价格实时更新。LikeCoin 在过去 24 小时内的变化为 -2.27%。它的流通供应量为 0 。

LIKE 的最高价格是多少?

LIKE 的历史最高价(ATH)为 $0.05891,于 2021-11-10 录得。

LIKE 的最低价格是多少?

LIKE 的历史最低价(ATL)为 $0.0006980,于 2024-09-06 录得。
计算 LikeCoin 收益

LikeCoin 价格预测

什么时候是购买 LIKE 的好时机?我现在应该买入还是卖出 LIKE?

在决定买入还是卖出 LIKE 时,您必须首先考虑自己的交易策略。长期交易者和短期交易者的交易活动也会有所不同。Bitget LIKE 技术分析 可以为您提供交易参考。
根据 LIKE 4小时技术分析,交易信号为 中立
根据 LIKE 1日技术分析,交易信号为 买入
根据 LIKE 1周技术分析,交易信号为 买入

LIKE 在2025的价格是多少?

根据 LIKE 的历史价格表现预测模型,预计 LIKE 的价格将在2025达到$0.002508

LIKE 在2030的价格是多少?

预计2030年 LIKE 价格涨跌为0.00%。到2030年底,预计 LIKE 价格将达到 $0.005834,累计投资回报率为+326.12%。

LikeCoin 价格历史(USD)

过去一年,LikeCoin 价格上涨了-75.35%。在此期间, 兑 USD 的最高价格为 $0.005631, 兑 USD 的最低价格为 $0.0006980。
时间涨跌幅(%)涨跌幅(%)最低价相应时间段内 {0} 的最低价。最高价 最高价
所有时间-86.16%$0.0006980(2024-09-06, 82天前 )$0.05891(2021-11-10, 3年前 )


1.08B LIKE

LikeCoin 评级

100 评级

LikeCoin (LIKE) 简介








LikeCoin 社媒数据

最近24小时,LikeCoin 社交媒体情绪得分是3,社交媒体上对 LikeCoin 价格走势偏向看涨。LikeCoin 社交媒体得分是0,在所有加密货币中排名第750。

据 LunarCrush 统计,最近24小时,社交媒体共提及加密货币1,058,120次,其中 LikeCoin 被提及频次占比0%,在所有加密货币中排名第1192。

最近24小时,共有217独立用户谈论了 LikeCoin,总提及 LikeCoin 5次,但独立用户相比之前24小时增加了3%,总提及次数减少了38%。

Twitter上,最近24小时共有0篇推文提及 LikeCoin,其中0%的推文看涨 LikeCoin,0%的推文看跌 LikeCoin,100%的推文对 LikeCoin 持中性情绪。

Reddit 上,最近24小时共有7篇帖子提及 LikeCoin,相比之前24小时总提及次数减少了13%。


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用户还在查询 LikeCoin 的价格。

LikeCoin 现价多少?

LikeCoin 的实时价格为 $0(LIKE/USD),当前市值为 $0 USD。由于加密货币市场全天候无间断交易,LikeCoin 的价格经常波动。您可以在 Bitget 上查看 LikeCoin 的市场价格及其历史数据。

LikeCoin 的24小时成交量是多少?

过去24小时,LikeCoin 的成交量是 $690.2。

LikeCoin 的最高价是多少?

LikeCoin 的最高价是 $0.05891。这个最高价是指 LikeCoin 上市以来的最高价格。

Bitget 上能买 LikeCoin 吗?

可以。LikeCoin 已经在 Bitget 中心化交易所上架。更多信息请查阅我们实用的 如何购买 指南。

我可以通过投资 LikeCoin 获得稳定的收入吗?

当然,Bitget 推出了一个策略交易平台,其提供智能交易策略,可以自动执行您的交易,帮您赚取收益。

我在哪里能以最低的费用购买 LikeCoin?

Bitget 提供行业领先的交易费用和市场深度,以确保交易者能够从投资中获利。您可通过 Bitget 交易所交易。

您可以在哪里购买 LikeCoin(LIKE)?

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加密货币投资,包括通过 Bitget 在线购买 LikeCoin,都存在市场风险。Bitget 为您提供简单方便的 LikeCoin 购买方式,我们尽最大努力让我们的用户充分了解我们在交易所提供的每一种加密货币。但是,我们不对您的 LikeCoin 购买可能产生的结果负责。此页面和本网站包含的任何信息均不代表对任何特定加密货币的认可,任何价格数据均采集自公开互联网,不被视为来自Bitget的买卖要约。




1 LIKE = 0.001200 USD
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Bitget 观点

2024/11/13 19:15
Meme Coin Madness: This week, $DOGE, $PNUT, and $ACT are igniting the crypto market. 🔥 Unlike traditional crypto assets, the value of meme coins often doesn’t stem from technological innovation or practical applications. Instead, it is based on viral social media spread and community-driven sentiment. This post aims to analyze the multifaceted phenomenon of meme coins from the perspectives of communication studies, sociology, and economics. --- I. Meme Coins from a Communication Perspective 1.1 Mechanisms of Viral Spread Meme coins spread rapidly on social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit, relying on users' organic sharing across these networks. In communication studies, this “viral” spread is a form of information diffusion propelled by imitation among users. Meme coins leverage humor, resonance, or exaggerated narratives to capture attention, thereby enhancing their “spreadability.” 🦠 1.2 Narrative-Driven Motivation The promotion of meme coins is closely tied to narrative elements such as “challenging financial power” or “gamifying finance,” which attract significant investor interest. These narratives increase the appeal of meme coins, encouraging users to participate and spread the word. This phenomenon suggests that meme coins are not just investment tools but narrative-driven financial products. 🎭 1.3 Amplification of Communication Effects The viral spread of meme coins creates a self-reinforcing feedback loop within the community. Success stories about meme coins are frequently shared, attracting new users and accelerating information spread. The “secondary diffusion” phenomenon in communication theory is evident in meme coin spread, where repeated sharing and interactions expand the reach and impact of meme coins. 🔁 --- II. Meme Coins from a Sociological Perspective 2.1 Community Culture and Collective Identity The rise of meme coins is inseparable from strong community support. Many meme coin users form a powerful sense of collective identity, with an “us versus them” mentality that further strengthens community cohesion. Meme coin investors often view themselves as “rebels” or “revolutionaries” against traditional finance. This collective identity lends the community resilience, even amid market volatility. 🛡️ 2.2 FOMO and Investor Psychology FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a significant psychological driver behind meme coin trading. Investors often rush in, afraid of missing out on explosive returns, resulting in high price volatility. From a sociological perspective, FOMO illustrates the herd behavior common in modern financial markets, highlighting the impact of collective behavior on the meme coin market. 🚀 2.3 Social Identity and Meme Coin Investment Many meme coin investors choose to hold meme coins not only for financial reasons but also because they represent specific social identities and values. Participating in the meme coin market becomes a form of expression, signaling dissatisfaction with or challenge to traditional financial systems. This investment-driven expression of identity further intensifies the speculative and emotional nature of meme coins. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 --- III. Meme Coins from an Economic Perspective 3.1 Price Volatility and Speculation Compared to traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, meme coins exhibit more extreme price volatility. The reason lies in meme coins' lack of strong technological support or practical applications, causing their prices to be driven primarily by supply-demand dynamics and market sentiment. The high volatility and instability of the meme coin market expose it to considerable bubble risk. 📉 3.2 From Value Investing to Meme Investing The rise of meme coins signifies a shift from value investing to meme investing. In traditional economics, investment decisions are generally based on an asset’s intrinsic value, whereas meme coin investment relies on social media popularity and emotional drivers. The emergence of meme investing reflects a shift in capital markets toward an emotional and short-term speculative approach. 📈 3.3 Market Impact and Risks of Meme Coins While meme coins offer investors high return opportunities, the market risks associated with them cannot be overlooked. The market impact of meme coins primarily lies in attracting significant retail participation, which may lead to wider cryptocurrency market fluctuations. Market risks include liquidity risks, bubble collapse risks, and irrational sell-offs by investors. ⚠️ --- The spread of Meme coin depends on narrative-driven viral communication, community culture shapes their social identity, and economic perspectives reveal high volatility and speculation. With Trump in office and Musk igniting the meme market, let’s embrace the power of memes🌐
k:Kit Kong | CatcherVC 🛸 🐐
k:Kit Kong | CatcherVC 🛸 🐐
2024/11/13 13:30
LMAO, $SINK jeet dev is trying to dox himself in the $SINK like @elonmusk is not gonna find out lol. Really bro? ✅OG CA 6xETuM9avZH3Zdhwb7mj5XSShu1CMvPXfBKfsF9uV8yw ✅Tweet: 21:45 Nov 5 ✅OG: 21 Nov 5 ❌Jeet $SINK: 22 Nov5 ❌AMEdarx3ryELQsFVNynCQdC6ABi94x8whxGjbmXBpump
阿尔法新酱 | 0xShinChan 🇭🇰
阿尔法新酱 | 0xShinChan 🇭🇰
2024/10/27 18:20
Imagine ShinChan wants to drop a makeup PFP but has no clue how. Easy fix—just download an AI app and hit one-click magic. That’s the same vibe @alt_layer brings for chain devs with rollup-as-a-service, making native/restaked rollup deployments smooth, with protocols like @swellnetwork_io and @dodochain riding that wave. How about DeFi dApps? There isn’t much existing solution like DeFi-aas until @infinit_labs - the first DeFi abstraction layer. Now anyone can build custom dApps with just TypeScript (no Solidity or Rust needed). Let's read on to learn more abt what it means for users and projects with INFINIT. 【 What’s up with @infinit_labs 】 ICYMI INFINIT has a product that is readily available instead of whitepaper-like blueprint. Plus, it has already facilitated/partnered with a couple of chains such as @monad_xyz + leading DeFi protocols like @solvprotocol, @pendle_fi, @ethena_labs, @avalonfinance_, @ignitionFBTC etc. INFINIT takes the complexity out of building DeFi protocols by offering an all-in-one platform with customizable tools and modular components. Whether you’re launching a new project or expanding an existing one, INFINIT provides the infrastructure to help developers move from concept to execution efficiently. Here’s how the two core phases—Launch and Scale—support developers: 1. Launch Phase Pre-Built Modules: Access essential DeFi components like vaults, liquidity incentives, and staking pools without building from scratch. Fast Deployment: Developers can quickly spin up core DeFi protocols (e.g., DEXs, lending platforms) with full customization. From Idea to Launch: Transition projects from concept (stage 0) to launch (stage 1) within minutes, reducing time to market. 2. Scale Phase - Advanced Feature Integration: Add functionalities such as leveraged yield farming, automated strategies, or staking rewards to existing protocols without reworking the entire architecture. - Seamless Scaling: Expand from stage 1 to 10, enhancing protocols with minimal risk of introducing bugs or vulnerabilities. - Adaptive Growth: Quickly respond to user demand and market trends by updating your protocol on-the-fly using INFINIT’s modular infrastructure. Let’s take @Lombard_finance as an example to illustrate its actual utilisation. 【 How does INFINIT implement its revenue model? 】 INFINIT Labs adopts a growth-oriented revenue model by integrating protocol fee splits + planned deployment fees. 1. Protocol Fee Splits INFINIT Labs aligns its business model with the success of dApps and chains within its ecosystem. A percentage of protocol-generated fees is shared with INFINIT, ensuring that as projects thrive, INFINIT’s growth is directly correlated. 2. Deployment Fees for New Protocols As INFINIT expands, it plans to introduce deployment fees for projects utilizing its infrastructure. These fees will create an additional revenue stream. 【 Finally what’s the actionables? 】 There’s a couple of ways you can participate to earn INFINIT stones through its partnership protocols. Recommend you to check out @tailoredweb3’s thread on BTCfi strategies:
2024/10/10 01:30
🚀 Lombard Finance: Leading the Charge🚀 With a staggering $500M in Total Value Locked (TVL), including $300M LBTC actively generating yield in DeFi Vaults, Lombard’s LBTC has become a powerful tool, driving yield strategies across top-tier DeFi protocols like @ether_fi, @pendle_fi, and @MorphoLabs, while also lending on @GearboxProtocol and @zerolendxyz. The LBTC supply currently sits at over 8,000 BTC, with over 12,500 holders—a testament to the growing adoption and trust in Lombard's vision. Through partnerships with protocols like SatLayer and Karak, and integrations with Loop and VaultCraft, Lombard is solidifying itself as a crucial player in the DeFi ecosystem, much like stETH did for Ethereum LSTs. What makes this growth even more impressive is that it comes during a time of increased competition in the market. Lombard’s ability to capture 30% of Babylon Cap-2, staking over 7,166 BTC (around $440M), highlights the platform's dominance and appeal to large-scale participants, ensuring strong liquidity for the ecosystem. 🔑 A Vision for the Future 🔑 Lombard’s success underscores a core belief: if even just 10% of Bitcoin's $1.5 trillion market cap flows into DeFi, the current TVL across the space could more than double. This vision for a Bitcoin-fueled DeFi renaissance is not only bold but also achievable, as Lombard continues to create seamless integrations and yield strategies that attract both seasoned DeFi veterans and newcomers. However, as the market evolves, the path to continued growth in TVL may face certain broader market headwinds. To truly capitalize on its success and solidify its future, Lombard has a clear path forward: 💡 Innovative Growth Strategies 💡 1. Enhance Ecosystem Integration: Further expanding partnerships across different chains and protocols will ensure that LBTC remains a versatile asset in the DeFi space. By integrating with more Layer 2 solutions, cross-chain liquidity providers, and yield aggregators, Lombard can cement its position as a go-to solution for Bitcoin DeFi. 2. Explore Self-Custody Solutions: Allowing for partial self-custody options could attract a broader range of participants. Giving users the option to manage their assets directly, via smart contracts, will increase confidence and drive even more TVL. 3. Diversify Yield Strategies: The DeFi landscape is rapidly evolving, and providing more sophisticated and diversified yield strategies—such as risk-hedging products or leveraged yield options—will help Lombard attract a wider audience, including institutional investors looking for stable, high-yield opportunities. 4. Global Liquidity Vision: Lombard’s strategic focus on Bitcoin’s potential to reshape DeFi remains one of its strongest advantages. With the right innovation in cross-chain technology and the adoption of more intuitive user experiences, Lombard is positioned to continue leading the charge as Bitcoin DeFi grows into a dominant force within the wider DeFi ecosystem. 👉 Join Lombard Finance in leading the Bitcoin DeFi charge and become part of the future of decentralized finance.
2024/09/25 23:45
In the past 7 days, @deBridgeFinance has showcased its dominance in the cross-chain transfer space, handling significant volumes of liquidity between major blockchain networks. An example of this is the $16,775,405 moved from Ethereum to Solana, with $9,482,431 flowing back, resulting in a net movement of $7.2M from ETH to SOL. These figures highlight not only the strong demand for cross-chain liquidity but also deBridge’s efficiency and reliability in facilitating such transactions. The robust cross-chain activity facilitated by @deBridgeFinance reflects the increasing demand for interoperability in the blockchain world. 👨‍🌾 1. Ethereum and Solana are clearly dominant: Ethereum and Solana have emerged as dominant networks in terms of cross-chain transfers via deBridge. Solana sees a substantial inflow of assets from Ethereum, marking it as a favored destination for users seeking faster transactions and lower costs. However, the liquidity does not only flow in one direction—significant traffic also moves back from Solana to Ethereum, indicating a symbiotic relationship between these two ecosystems. Beyond these two giants, Ethereum also acts as a hub, facilitating transfers to other networks such as Arbitrum, Base, BNB Chain, and Polygon. 😻 The massive traffic between Ethereum, Solana, and other chains underscores deBridge’s role as a primary liquidity bridge across the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. 2. Cross-Chain Activity: Beyond Ethereum and Solana, Arbitrum and Base have emerged as popular transfer points, acting as both sources and destinations for cross-chain liquidity. The activity on these Layer 2 solutions reflects the increasing importance of scaling Ethereum while maintaining a strong connection to Layer 1 networks. Arbitrum, for example, allows users to experience faster and cheaper transactions while still maintaining access to Ethereum’s liquidity. The same applies to Base, which has been gaining traction for similar reasons. Their strong presence in cross-chain activity highlights how deBridge is facilitating liquidity migration not just between major Layer 1 chains but also across Layer 2 solutions, further expanding its ecosystem. 👨‍🔧 BNB Chain also plays a critical role in cross-chain transfers, particularly with its strong presence in transactions to Polygon and Ethereum. As one of the most widely used blockchains in DeFi and NFT ecosystems, BNB Chain’s active participation via deBridge demonstrates its significance in the broader cross-chain liquidity landscape. 👷 Other networks such as Linea, Optimism, Metis, and Gnosis also contribute to the flow of assets across chains, though at smaller scales compared to Ethereum and Solana. These chains provide alternative ecosystems with unique features that attract niche user bases. For example, Optimism and Linea offer Layer 2 scalability for Ethereum, while Gnosis focuses on secure and efficient infrastructure. Although the volume of transfers between these networks is lower, their consistent activity signals the growing adoption of cross-chain bridges like deBridge across a wider range of ecosystems. 🧑‍🔧 At the smaller end of the spectrum, Neon and LightLink demonstrate that even less established networks are starting to leverage cross-chain bridges to attract liquidity. While these chains currently account for minor traffic, their inclusion in the flow of assets through deBridge suggests that the cross-chain ecosystem is becoming increasingly diverse. 🧑‍🌾This trend indicates that as blockchain ecosystems mature, even smaller networks will play a more significant role in the overall liquidity landscape, with deBridge acting as the facilitator that binds these ecosystems together!


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