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AssangeDAO fiyatı

AssangeDAO fiyatıJUSTICE

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Bugün AssangeDAO hakkında ne hissediyorsunuz?

Not: Bu bilgiler sadece referans amaçlıdır.

Bugünkü AssangeDAO fiyatı

AssangeDAO canlı fiyatı bugün (JUSTICE / USD) başına $0.0001433 seviyesinde ve şu anki piyasa değeri $0.00 USD. 24 saatlik işlem hacmi $64,210.44 USD. JUSTICE ila USD fiyatı gerçek zamanlı olarak güncellenir. AssangeDAO son 24 saatte \%. Dolaşımdaki arzı ise 0 .

JUSTICE en yüksek fiyatı nedir?

JUSTICE, 2022-02-09 tarihinde kaydedilen $0.003305 tüm zamanların en yüksek değerine (ATH) sahip.

JUSTICE varlığının en düşük fiyatı nedir?

JUSTICE, 2023-09-11 tarihinde tüm zamanların en düşük seviyesi (ATL) olan $0.{4}1187 değerini gördü.
AssangeDAO kârını hesaplayın

AssangeDAO fiyat tahmini

JUSTICE satın almak için ne zaman iyi bir zaman? Şimdi JUSTICE almalı mıyım yoksa satmalı mıyım?

JUSTICE almaya ya da satmaya karar verirken, öncelikle kendi işlem stratejinizi göz önünde bulundurmalısınız. Uzun vadeli traderların ve kısa vadeli traderların işlem faaliyetleri de farklı olacaktır. Bitget JUSTICE teknik analizi size işlemleriniz için bir referans sağlayabilir.
JUSTICE 4s teknik analizine göre, işlem sinyali Satım yönünde.
JUSTICE 1g teknik analizine göre, işlem sinyali Satın al yönünde.
JUSTICE 1h teknik analizine göre, işlem sinyali Satın al yönünde.

2025 yılında JUSTICE fiyatı ne olacak?

JUSTICE geçmiş fiyat performansı tahmin modeline dayanarak, JUSTICE fiyatının 2025 yılında $0.0002310 seviyesine ulaşacağı tahmin edilmektedir.

2030 yılında JUSTICE fiyatı ne olacak?

2030 yılında, JUSTICE fiyatının -19.00% değişmesi bekleniyor. 2030 sonunda, JUSTICE fiyatının $0.0003581 seviyesine ulaşacağı ve kümülatif ROI'nin +139.62% olacağı öngörülüyor.

AssangeDAO fiyat geçmişi (USD)

AssangeDAO fiyatı son bir yılda +429.36% değişti. Son bir yılda USD cinsinden JUSTICE fiyatı $0.0008008 olurken, son bir yılda USD cinsinden JUSTICE fiyatı $0.{4}2159 seviyesindeydi.
ZamanFiyat değişimi (%)Fiyat değişimi (%)En düşük fiyatİlgili zaman dilimindeki en düşük {0} fiyatı.En yüksek fiyat En yüksek fiyat
Tüm Zamanlar-90.01%$0.{4}1187(2023-09-11, 1 yıl önce )$0.003305(2022-02-09, 2 yıl önce )

AssangeDAO piyasa bilgileri

Piyasa değeri
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Hacim (24s)
Piyasa sıralamaları
Dolaşımdaki oran
24s Hacim / Piyasa değeri
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Şimdi AssangeDAO satın al

AssangeDAO değerlendirmeleri

Topluluktan alınan ortalama puanlar
100 puanları
Bu içerik yalnızca bilgilendirme amaçlıdır.

AssangeDAO (JUSTICE) hakkında

Title: AssangeDAO Token Hakkında Bilgilendirici Bir Makale

AssangeDAO, aslında çok yeni bir kripto para birimi projedir ve tarihsel olarak önemli bir anı simgeler. Projedeki DAO, İngilizce'deki "Decentralized Autonomous Organization"un (Merkezi olmayan otomatik organizasyon) kısaltmasıdır ve bu, kuruluşun hiçbir merkezi otoriteye tabi olmadığını, beher kullanıcının da organizasyonun bir parçası olduğunu ifade eder.

AssangeDAO Token'ın amacı, dünya çapında sansürsüz, transparent ve özgür bir medya oluşturma konusunda büyük bir adım atmaktır. Adını, bu misyonla özdeşleşen ve WikiLeaks'i kurarak dünyada sansürsüz bilginin önemini vurgulayan Julian Assange’dan alır. AssangeDAO'nun bu özgün misyonu ve vizyonu, onu diğer kripto paralar arasında ayıran özgün özellikleridir.

AssangeDAO Token, Ethereum blok zinciri üzerinde oluşturulmuştur ve bu, onun güvenliği, şeffaflığı ve rahatlıkla alınıp satılabilir olmasını sağlar. Ethereum, bugün var olan en büyük ikinci kripto para birimidir ve aynı zamanda en büyük ve en aktif kripto para topluluklarından birine sahiptir. Bu yüzden, AssangeDAO Token'ın Ethereum ağı üzerinde çalışması, ona büyük bir erişim ve geniş bir kullanıcı tabanı sağlar.

Sonuç olarak, AssangeDAO Token, merkezi olmayan, şeffaf ve sansürsüz bir medyanın oluşturulması için büyük bir adım. Julian Assange'ın adıyla taşıdığı bu misyon küresel ölçekte benzersiz bir vizyona hizmet eder. Ethereum blok zinciri üzerinde faaliyet gösteren AssangeDAO Token, kullanıcı dostu, güvenli ve kolayca erişilebilir bir platform olup, bu özellikleriyle ön plana çıkar.

Türkiye'de ve dünyada kripto para birimlerine olan artan ilgi göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, AssangeDAO Token ve benzer projelerin önemi daha da artacaktır.

Not: Her zaman bir yatırım yapmadan önce kendi araştırmanızı yapmanız ve yatırım danışmanınızla konuşmanız önemlidir. Bu makale yalnızca bilgilendirme amacıyla sağlanmıştır ve bir yatırım tavsiyesi olarak değerlendirilmemelidir.

AssangeDAO(JUSTICE) nasıl satın alınır

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AssangeDAO (JUSTICE) Satın Al

AssangeDAO (JUSTICE) Satın Al

Bitget üzerinden AssangeDAO almak için çeşitli ödeme seçeneklerini kullanın. Size nasıl yapılacağını göstereceğiz.

JUSTICE sürekli vadeli işlemleri yap

Bitget'e başarıyla kaydolduktan ve USDT veya JUSTICE token satın aldıktan sonra, gelirinizi artırmak için JUSTICE vadeli işlemler ve marj işlemler dahil olmak üzere türev işlemlerine başlayabilirsiniz.

JUSTICE mevcut fiyatı $0.0001433 seviyesinde, 24 saatlik fiyat değişimi ise +3.19% oranında. Yatırımcılar JUSTICE vadeli işlemlerde long ya da short pozisyon alarak kâr elde edebilir.

Elit traderları takip ederek JUSTICE Coopy Trade işlemlerine katılın.

Bitget'e kaydolduktan ve USDT veya JUSTICE tokenlerini başarıyla satın aldıktan sonra, elit traderları takip ederek Copy Trade yapmaya da başlayabilirsiniz.


Şu anki AssangeDAO fiyatı nedir?

AssangeDAO canlı fiyatı $0 USD mevcut piyasa değeriyle (JUSTICE/USD) başına $0 seviyesinde. AssangeDAO değeri, kripto piyasasındaki sürekli 7/24 etkinlik nedeniyle sık sık dalgalanmalara uğramaktadır. AssangeDAO gerçek zamanlı güncel fiyatı ve geçmiş verilerini Bitget'te bulabilirsiniz.

AssangeDAO’nin 24 saatlik işlem hacmi nedir?

Son 24 saatte görülen AssangeDAO işlem hacmi $64,210.44 seviyesinde.

AssangeDAO’nin tüm zamanların en yüksek fiyatı nedir?

AssangeDAO’nin en yüksek fiyatı $0.003305 seviyesindedir. Bu fiyat, piyasaya sürüldüğünden beri AssangeDAO’nin gördüğü en yüksek fiyattır.

Bitget üzerinden AssangeDAO satın alabilir miyim?

Evet, AssangeDAO şu anda Bitget'in merkezi borsasında mevcut. Daha ayrıntılı talimatlar için yardımcı nasıl satın alınır kılavuzumuza göz atın.

AssangeDAO yatırımı yaparak düzenli bir gelir elde etmek mümkün mü?

Tabii ki, Bitget, işlemlerinizi otomatikleştirmeniz ve kar elde etmeniz için akıllı işlem botlarıyla birlikte bir stratejik işlem platformu sağlar.

En düşük komisyonla nereden AssangeDAO satın alabilirim?

Bitget borsasında, stratejik işlem platformu olduğunu duyurmaktan memnuniyet duyuyoruz. Bitget, traderlara karlı yatırımlar sağlamak amacıyla sektörde öncü olan işlem ücretleri ve piyasa derinliği sunmaktadır.

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Bitget üzerinden AssangeDAO satın almak da dahil olmak üzere kripto para yatırımları piyasa riskine tabidir. Bitget, AssangeDAO satın almanız için kolay ve kullanışlı yollar sağlar ve kullanıcılarını borsada sunduğu her bir kripto para hakkında tam olarak bilgilendirmek için elinden gelenin en iyisini yapıyor. Ancak, AssangeDAO satın alma işleminizden doğabilecek sonuçlardan sorumlu değiliz. Bu sayfa ve içerdiği bilgiler, herhangi bir kripto para biriminin desteklendiği anlamına gelmez.

Satın Al

İşlem Yap


1 JUSTICE = 0.0001433 USD
Bitget, tüm büyük işlem platformları arasında en düşük işlem ücretlerini sunmaktadır. VIP seviyeniz ne kadar yüksek olursa, oranlar da o kadar uygun olur.

JUSTICE kaynakları

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Bitget Insights

2024/11/21 06:20
2024.11.21.天使日报 - The Role of Angel Investors in 2024: Fueling Innovation in a Changing World As we approach the end of 2024, the landscape of investment has evolved significantly. In particular, angel investors—individuals who provide early-stage funding for startups—continue to play an indispensable role in driving innovation and shaping the future of industries across the globe. In this edition of 天使日报 (Angel Daily), we explore the current state of angel investment, the trends driving it, and its impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem. What is an Angel Investor? Angel investors are individuals who invest their personal funds into startups and early-stage companies in exchange for equity or convertible debt. Unlike venture capitalists who typically manage pooled funds, angel investors often make decisions independently, based on their personal interests, expertise, and vision for the market. Angel investors are crucial in helping startups bridge the gap between the concept phase and the point at which the company can secure more substantial funding, such as venture capital. Historically, angel investors have provided the crucial seed capital necessary for innovative startups to grow. Their investments are typically riskier, as they fund companies at a stage when the business model is still unproven, but this risk is balanced by the potential for high returns if the startup becomes successful. 2024: A Changing Investment Climate The year 2024 has brought with it new economic challenges, technological advancements, and changing investor behavior. Several factors have shaped the angel investment landscape this year: 1. Post-Pandemic Recovery and Uncertainty The global economy is still recovering from the financial disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. While many industries have bounced back, others continue to grapple with supply chain issues, inflation, and shifting consumer demand. Angel investors are increasingly looking to invest in sectors that have adapted to these challenges, such as healthtech, fintech, and sustainability-focused startups. There’s also been an increase in the number of angel investors focusing on companies that solve global problems like climate change, healthcare innovation, and food security. 2. Increased Interest in Technology Startups Technology has always been a core focus for angel investors, but in 2024, we’ve seen a surge in interest in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, quantum computing, and biotechnology. These sectors are viewed as the next frontiers of innovation, and angel investors are eager to back startups that can leverage these technologies to disrupt traditional industries. In particular, AI-driven solutions for automation, healthcare diagnostics, and financial services have attracted significant attention from angel investors looking to capitalize on the ongoing AI revolution. 3. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Web3 One of the most notable trends in 2024 is the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) and the broader Web3 ecosystem. Angel investors have increasingly backed projects related to decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These investments are seen as a way to participate in the evolution of the internet, as Web3 technologies aim to decentralize control from traditional entities and empower users with more control over their data and finances. 4. Focus on Sustainability and Impact Investing Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors have become central to investment decisions, and angel investors are no exception. With climate change, resource scarcity, and social justice at the forefront of global discussions, angel investors are increasingly prioritizing sustainability-focused startups. Clean energy, waste management, carbon capture technologies, and socially responsible businesses are attracting funding from investors who believe in both financial returns and positive societal impact. 5. The Democratization of Angel Investment Technology has also played a pivotal role in democratizing access to angel investment opportunities. Platforms such as AngelList, Crowdcube, and SeedInvest have made it easier for individual investors to participate in startup funding, even with smaller amounts of capital. Crowdfunding platforms allow a broader range of investors—sometimes referred to as "micro angels"—to back early-stage companies, creating a more diverse pool of investors and offering greater opportunities for startups to secure funding. The Impact of Angel Investors on Startups in 2024 Angel investors continue to be a critical lifeline for startups, especially in a year marked by economic uncertainty. While venture capital firms may offer larger investments in later rounds, angel investors are typically more willing to take risks on unproven ideas and companies. Their support often comes with more than just capital; many angel investors bring valuable expertise, networks, and mentorship to the table, which can be crucial for a startup’s success. In 2024, angel investors have continued to fuel the growth of startups in several key ways: 1. Seed Funding The most direct impact of angel investment is the provision of seed capital, allowing startups to build a prototype, develop their products or services, and start attracting customers. This early-stage funding is often the make-or-break moment for many entrepreneurs, and angel investors play a pivotal role in providing this critical support. 2. Mentorship and Networking Beyond just providing funds, many angel investors actively engage with the startups they back. They offer mentorship, guidance, and advice based on their own experiences in business. Additionally, angel investors often use their extensive networks to help entrepreneurs connect with potential customers, partners, and future investors. 3. Validation and Credibility Securing funding from a respected angel investor can provide a startup with much-needed validation. This can help entrepreneurs gain the trust of other investors, customers, and stakeholders. It’s often the first signal that the startup has a viable business model and a promising future. 4. Innovation in Traditional Industries Angel investors are often the first to identify and back startups that aim to disrupt established industries. In 2024, this includes investments in sectors like real estate, healthcare, logistics, and even government services. Many angel investors are betting on startups that use technology to modernize and streamline traditional industries, creating a ripple effect that leads to broader economic changes. Challenges and Risks for Angel Investors in 2024 While angel investing offers significant rewards, it is not without its risks. The unpredictable nature of early-stage startups means that many investments will fail. In fact, some studies suggest that as many as 90% of startups will fail within the first few years, making angel investing inherently risky. Moreover, as the startup ecosystem becomes more crowded, it can be challenging for angel investors to identify the next big winner. With more capital flowing into the market, competition for the best opportunities is fierce. Angel investors must do their due diligence, understand the potential of the business model, and assess the startup’s management team before committing to an investment. Looking Ahead: The Future of Angel Investment As we move further into 2024 and beyond, the role of angel investors in the global economy is only set to grow. With the rise of new technologies, shifts in global markets, and a renewed focus on sustainable and impactful businesses, angel investors will continue to be at the forefront of innovation. For entrepreneurs, the key to success in the coming years will lie in their ability to attract the right kind of investment, build strong relationships with their investors, and execute their visions with agility. For angel investors, the challenge will be to navigate the changing investment landscape, identify emerging trends, and diversify their portfolios. By doing so, they can continue to drive the growth of the next generation of groundbreaking startups, fueling economic growth and innovation for years to come. Conclusion In 2024, angel investors remain a vital force in the global startup ecosystem. As the world continues to evolve, so too do the opportunities and challenges faced by both investors and entrepreneurs. By staying ahead of the curve in terms of technology, sustainability, and market trends, angel investors will continue to foster the growth of innovative companies that shape the future. The symbiotic relationship between angel investors and startups will remain crucial to fueling the next wave of global innovation, and the role of the angel investor will only grow in importance in the years to come.
2024/11/17 10:13
⚡️FBI Conducts Search at Polymarket CEO's Residence The FBI recently executed a search at Polymarket CEO Shayne Coplan’s home, seizing his phone and other electronics. The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating Polymarket for allegedly allowing U.S. users to place bets on the presidential election outcome—a practice considered illegal. While the FBI confirmed it acted under a court warrant, no further details were disclosed. An anonymous Polymarket representative suggested the raid might be politically motivated, noting Polymarket's predictions showed favorable odds for Donald Trump, diverging from traditional public polling.
2024/11/16 06:23
FRED, or First Convicted Raccon, is a meme coin that emerged from the tragic story of a raccoon name
FRED, or First Convicted Raccon, is a meme coin that emerged from the tragic story of a raccoon named Fred, euthanized by New York authorities over rabies concerns, later found to be rabies-free. Launched in November 2024, it quickly gained popularity within the "MartyrFi" trend, which memorializes animals killed unjustly. FRED reached a market cap of nearly $320 million shortly after its launch, fueled by social media engagement and community support for animal justice initiatives 1 4 5 . Its appeal lies in blending humor with advocacy for animal welfare 2 3
Wu Blockchain
Wu Blockchain
2024/11/13 05:35
According to Decrypt, the U.S. Department of Justice seeks to seize approximately $160 million worth of crypto assets related to FTX. After a year-long investigation, the Department of Justice filed a civil forfeiture lawsuit with the court, targeting a Binance account containing SOL, ICP, AVAX, XRP, and ADA, of which SOL accounts for the largest proportion, approximately $85 million.
2024/11/02 15:17
As the 2024 U.S. presidential race heats up, all eyes are on the likely showdown between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Both candidates bring distinct political visions and strategies, which will significantly shape the election’s outcome. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements shaping their campaigns: 1. Trump’s Campaign Economic Vision: Trump continues to focus on his signature “America First” policies, promoting deregulation, lower taxes, and expanding domestic energy production. He is also positioning himself as the leader who will make the U.S. the “crypto capital of the planet” if elected, attracting attention from the crypto community. Foreign Policy: Trump is capitalizing on his non-interventionist stance, focusing on withdrawing U.S. forces from foreign entanglements and renegotiating trade deals that favor American interests. Strong Base: Trump’s appeal to working-class voters, particularly in the Rust Belt states, remains solid. His base is energized, and the idea of a rematch may galvanize voters who feel left behind by traditional politics. Challenges: Trump faces legal battles, and his polarizing presence could motivate higher voter turnout among Democrats and independents. 2. Kamala Harris’s Campaign Policy Agenda: Harris is running on progressive platforms that address social justice, climate change, healthcare reform, and income inequality. She’s also a vocal advocate for economic policies like taxing unrealized capital gains, which has sparked both support and criticism. Crypto Support: Harris is attracting interest from the crypto community as well, notably after accepting crypto campaign donations via Coinbase, signaling her openness to blockchain innovations. Diverse Coalition: Harris’s diverse background and focus on racial and gender equality could rally minority groups, women, and younger voters, making her a symbol of progress for many. Challenges: Harris may struggle to inspire moderate and independent voters who are concerned about the economic implications of progressive policies, particularly around taxation and business regulation. 3. The Wildcard: Economy & Crypto With both candidates having strong opinions on economic and crypto-related policies, the state of the economy in 2024 will heavily influence voter behavior. Trump's promise to boost crypto infrastructure could appeal to libertarians and tech-savvy voters, while Harris's tax proposals might raise concerns among investors. 4. What to Expect? Tight Race: Polls show a neck-and-neck race. Trump’s base is highly motivated, while Harris’s appeal to progressives could bring high voter turnout, especially in key swing states. Debates and Media: The upcoming debates and social media battles will be critical in swaying undecided voters, with each candidate’s handling of economic policies, foreign affairs, and crypto regulations under scrutiny. This election could reshape not just America’s political landscape but its future in the global economy, including the emerging role of cryptocurrency. Keep an eye on how both candidates position themselves in the months leading up to November 2024. from cryptosmith2 ✍️

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