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Qué es $MERM
BRC20 $merm is merman. It's a meme token on the BRC20.Aiming to bring joy to yourself and others👀🤢😮🤡
If you have a strong passion for memes, be sure to mint $merm, because the culture of Greenhead is born for memes;
Entertainment, magic, brainwashing, and easy to spread, merm’s tricks will be very interesting. When the number of $merm holders reached 200, the merm community was established and airdropped green fish headgear to the holders;
Let's have fun together, greenheads take WEB3 by storm
The story and prototype of the green-headed fish
In 2020, a Chinese netizen posted a short video wearing a green-headed fish hood. It spread quickly because of its magical and brainwashing image. It instantly became popular on the Internet, with countless green-headed fish man emojis appearing, and he has It has a large user base, and after people become green-headed fish people, they don’t care about their image and release their nature more. What they pursue is fun and happiness, which is extremely consistent with meme culture.
1. In the 2015 Korean movie "Sudden Mutation", the protagonist mutated due to participating in an experiment by a pharmaceutical company and became a fish-man species with a fish head and a human body, and his image resembled a green-headed fish;
2. In the film and television series "Journey to the West", one of China's four most famous novels, the two well-known little monsters, Benboerba and Baboerben, are both fish-men with fish heads and human bodies.
Quién desplegó $MERM y cuándo
Inscription ID:
Deploy By:
Deploy Time:
2024/2/17 18:16:05
Completed Time:
2024/3/28 13:40:27
Inscription Number Start:
Inscription Number End:
Limit per mint:
Cómo comprar el token $MERM mediante un exchange
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Verifica tu cuenta
Verifica tu identidad ingresando tu información personal y cargando una identificación válida con foto. Agrega una tarjeta de crédito/débito o cuenta bancaria después de verificar tu cuenta de Bitget.
Obtén USDT
Ten USDT en tu cuenta para cambiar a $MERM. Si no tienes USDT, puedes comprarlos directamente a través de la función de Compra rápida con tarjeta de crédito/débito/cuenta bancaria o depositar USDT desde tu billetera.
Cambiar USDT por $MERM
Ve al mercado spot, y cambia USDT por $MERM.
Cómo comprar BRC-20 inscription tokens $MERM a través de la billetera
Crear billetera
Descarga Unisat o la billetera que prefieras desde la App Store o Google Play de forma gratuita. Los usuarios de computadoras de escritorio pueden descargar la extensión para Google Chrome desde Unisat.
Consigue algo de BTC
Ten BTC en tu billetera para cambiar a $MERM. Si no tienes BTC, puedes comprarlos directamente a través de tu billetera Unisat, transferirlos desde otra billetera o comprarlos desde el exchange de Bitget y transferirlos a tu billetera.
Ve a Unisat
Dirígete a Unisat en Google Chrome. Conecta tu billetera, busca $MERM, selecciona el precio adecuado en la columna de la lista, haz clic para comprar y, a continuación, proporciona tu firma cuando Unisat te solicite la firma de la billetera.
Cambia BTC por $MERM
Cambia BTC a $MERM. A continuación, puedes ver $MERM en "Mis inscripciones" en Unisat o en tu Bitget Wallet.