Competitions and promotions

SUNDOG (SUNDOG) to be listed on Bitget — Grab a share of 1,721,000 SUNDOG on PoolX and CandyBomb!

2024-08-21 07:0001397

Bitget PoolX is listing SUNDOG (SUNDOG), First Dog on Tron that’s going to the Sun, reached 100m market cap in 3 days. SUNDOG is with full support from the TRON ecosystem, with major western KOL support. Our social media is followed by Justin Sun and publicly RT / supported by Tron Dao and Sunpump. We've partnered with TRON DAO, Sunpump and Token Pocket.

Activity 1: PoolX -- Stake ETH to earn SUNDOG

Staking period: 21 August, 11:00 - 31 August, 11:00 (UTC)

Stake Now

Staking pool details

ETH pool

1,003,900 SUNDOG

Maximum ETH staking


Token allocation:

ETH pool rewards per user = user's staked ETH ÷ total staked ETH of all eligible participants × corresponding prize pool.

Activity 2: CandyBomb –Trade to earn SUNDOG (SUNDOG)

Promotion period: 21 August, 11:00 - 28 August, 11:00 (UTC)


SUNDOG amount

SUNDOG spot trading pool*new spot user only

372,900 SUNDOG

Futures trading pool*new futures user only

344,200 SUNDOG


717,100 SUNDOG

How to participate: Complete SUNDOG spot trading and futures trading tasks to get reward tickets

Terms and conditions

1. Participants must complete identity verification to be eligible for the promotion.

2. All participants must strictly comply with Bitget's terms and conditions.

3. Users must complete identity verification to participate in the promotion. Sub-accounts, institutional users, and market makers are not eligible for the promotion.

4. Bitget reserves the right to disqualify any user from participating in the promotion and confiscate their rewards if any fraudulent conduct, illegal activities (e.g., using multiple accounts to claim rewards), or other violations are found.

5. Bitget reserves the right to amend, revise, or cancel this promotion at any time without prior notice, at its sole discretion.

6. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the promotion. Contact customer service if you have any questions.


Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to conduct their own research and invest at their own discretion.