HOT! Fixed Savings is officially launched on Bitget Earn
![HOT! Fixed Savings is officially launched on Bitget Earn image 0](
In order to satisfy the request of the majority of Bitget users, Bitget Earn officially launches Fixed Savings products on March 22, 2023.
Fixed Savings is a kind of savings product with a fixed investment period and interest. Compared with Flexible Savings, Fixed Savings has a locked period which means users will sacrifice a degree of funding flexibility. However, it also offers higher APR and returns for users rather than Flexible Savings.
Tokens |
Locked |
Personal Quota |
30 Days |
2.80% |
1,000-60,000 |
60 Days |
3.10% |
1,000-40,000 |
30 Days |
2.80% |
1,000-60,000 |
60 Days |
3.10% |
1,000-40,000 |
30 Days |
2.00% |
1-40 |
60 Days |
2.30% |
1-30 |
30 Days |
50.0% |
200-15,000 |
60 Days |
55.0% |
200-10,000 |
30 Days |
28.0% |
200-15,000 |
60 Days |
35.0% |
200-15,000 |
Know more about Fixed Savings:
Users can subscribe to Fixed Savings by selecting crypto assets, Est. APR, locked duration (30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days), minimum limit, personal quota and so on. Once subscribed, the interest will be calculated from the next day (D+1) and users' investment funds will accrue interest.
There are mainly two ways to distribute interest based on different Fixed Savings products. One is the interest will be distributed daily to users' spot accounts. The other is that all interest will be distributed on the last day of product settlement. Please check which distribution method is in each product details when users subscribe.
After the investment period is due, the principal and interest will be redeemed automatically to users' spot account. Some Fixed Savings products may support early redemption. Please check each product details to see whether it supports early redemption or not. In addition, those Fixed Savings products which support early redemption may cause penalty, Please read each product description carefully.
Therefore, if you have idle funds which you won't use for a specific period, it would be a good choice to subscribe to Fixed Savings to earn a higher APR.
Subscribe Fixed Savings, Earn Higher Returns!
Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to do their own research and invest at their own risk.
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