Competitions and promotions

Trade to Check in, Win 100 BGB per Day

2023-02-22 14:04056
Trade to Check in, Win 100 BGB per Day image 0
To show how much we appreciate your interest in Bitget, we're launching an exclusive event for new users: Trade to Check In, Win 500 BGB! Earn more from rising token values by holding BGB! Plus, enjoy a 20% discount on spot trading fees.
Register to participate in the event.
Trade to Check in, Win 100 BGB per Day image 1
The event is only limited to users who register within the last seven days
🔥 Rules: During the event, users can check in by achieving a trading volume of at least 1,000 USDT on that day and get rewards based on their number of checks-in.
Trade to Check in, Win 100 BGB per Day image 2
*Trades include both spot or futures trades. Rewards are limited to the first 3,000 participants, first come, first served.
1. Users must register for the event to be eligible for rewards.
2. Only users who register within seven days of receiving the announcement will be eligible. Otherwise, they will be ineligible to claim rewards.
3. Rewards will be distributed within seven working days after the event ends. Tokens will be sent to the asset account corresponding to the ID submitted during registration.
4. Bitget reserves the right to disqualify users that perform wash trading, the bulk registration of accounts, or trades that display attributes of self-dealing or m arket manipulation.
5. Accounts with the same IP address will not be eligible for rewards.
6. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to amending, changing, or cancelling the event without prior notice. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to do their research as they invest at their own risk.