New Listings

[Bitget Swap] CCGDS (CCGDS), Shiba (SHIBA), Hydra (HYDRA), Calcium (CAL) and GME (DumbMoney) are now available via Bitget Swap!

2023-10-06 09:0003059

We are pleased to announce CCGDS (CCGDS), Shiba (SHIBA), Hydra (HYDRA), Calcium (CAL) and GME (DumbMoney) are now available via Bitget Swap, our decentralized trading product!

Bitget Swap Trading Link: CCGDS (CCGDS) ; Shiba (SHIBA) ; Hydra (HYDRA) ; Calcium (CAL) ; Dumbmoney (GME)

How to use Bitget Swap: Bitget Swap Guide

Project Introduction

CCGDS is a new token on BNB Smart Chain.

Contract Address (BEP-20) : 0xDb22C6DFcA0aF587a5CB0D851E539e29cbdF87b9

Project Introduction

Shiba is a new token created by one of the OG Shiba whales and influencer.

Contract Address (ERC-20) : 0xfD1450a131599ff34f3Be1775D8c8Bf79E353D8c

Website | Twitter | Telegram

Project Introduction

Hydra is a new meme token on Ethereum.

Contract Address (ERC-20) : 0x4501A82790eF2587dfEb93Dc038541228E516597

Website | Twitter | Telegram

Project Introduction

Calcium is a token on BNB Smart Chain.

Contract Address (BEP-20) : 0x76d99EF970711D5e25A940c2B80933911425757a

Website | Twitter | Telegram

Project Introduction

Dumbmoney is a token that aims to reignite the Gamestop Saga.

Contract Address (ERC-20) : 0xFc4b4ec763722B71eB1D729749B447A9645f5F30

Website | Twitter | Telegram

Risk warning:

  1. Bitget Swap is a decentralized trading product of Bitget which makes popular on-chain assets available automatically on a regular basis. An asset's availability via Bitget Swap does not necessarily mean it's listed on Bitget platform. Users are advised to invest responsibly and be cautious of risks!

  2. The CCGDS contract is subject to the following risks:

    • Trading may be suspended

    • Limited number of transactions for anti whale

    • Anti whale is modifiable

    • Transaction tax can be changed

    • Potential blacklist and whitelist

    • The token is subject to a 2% buy and sell tax rate

  3. Token Security Detection for CCGDS :

  4. The SHIBA contract is subject to the following risks:

    • Limited number of transactions for anti whale

    • Anti whale is modifiable

    • Transaction tax can be changed

    • Potential whitelist

  1. Token Security Detection for SHIBA :

  2. The HYDRA contract is subject to the following risks:

    • Limited number of transactions for anti whale

    • Transaction tax can be changed

    • Potential blacklist and whitelist

  1. Token Security Detection for HYDRA :

  2. The CAL contract is not subject to any risk.

  3. Token Security Detection for CAL :

  4. The GME contract is subject to the following risks:

    • Trading cooldown function

    • Limited number of transactions for anti whale

    • Potential whitelist

  5. Token Security Detection for GME :


1. Please be advised that Shiba (SHIBA) on Bitget Swap is not related to Shiba (SHIBA) on Bitget’s Spot Listing. Both have different contract addresses.

2. Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite their high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to conduct their own research and invest at their own discretion.

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