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Meme of the same name of OpenAI text-to-video model Sora. Revolutionizing Video Creation with SORA AI. Discover the future of video production with SORA, the pioneering token project at the intersection of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence.

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Buy $SORA via a crypto exchange or wallet

Buy $SORA on Bitget ExchangeBuy $SORA on Bitget WalletBuy $SORA on DexscreenerBuy $SORA on UniswapBuy $SORA on DEXTools

What is $SORA

Sora can create videos of up to 60 seconds featuring highly detailed scenes, complex camera motion, and multiple characters with vibrant emotions.

Prompt: “Beautiful, snowy Tokyo city is bustling. The camera moves through the bustling city street, following several people enjoying the beautiful snowy weather and shopping at nearby stalls. Gorgeous sakura petals are flying through the wind along with snowflakes.”

The model has a deep understanding of language, enabling it to accurately interpret prompts and generate compelling characters that express vibrant emotions. SORA can also create multiple shots within a single generated video that accurately persist characters and visual style.

SORA is designed to democratize video creation, offering unparalleled access to cutting-edge AI tools that empower creators, businesses, and enthusiasts to bring their visions to life with efficiency, creativity, and ease.
SORA Can Generate Videos Up To A Minute Long While Maintaining Visual Quality And Adherence To The User’s Prompt.
SORA Is Able To Generate Complex Scenes With Multiple Characters, Specific Types Of Motion, And Accurate Details Of The Subject And Background.
Welcome to the heartbeat of SORA - our dedicated Telegram community! A place where token holders, enthusiasts, and the curious minds of the AI video creation world come together. Dive into real-time discussions, gain exclusive insights, and be part of a community that's shaping the future of video production with blockchain and AI.

Who deployed $SORA and when

Contract address:




How to buy $SORA token via exchange

How to buy $SORA token via exchange - Create an exchange account

Create an exchange account

Download the Bitget app or the app of your exchange of choice from the App Store or Google Play store for free. Desktop users can head to, sign up on Bitget with their email address/mobile phone number, and create a strong password to secure their account.

How to buy $SORA token via exchange - Verify your account

Verify your account

Verify your identity by entering your personal information and uploading a valid photo ID. Add a credit/debit card or bank account after verifying your Bitget account.

How to buy $SORA token via exchange - Get some USDT

Get some USDT

Hold USDT in your account to switch to $SORA. If you don't have any USDT, you can buy directly via quick buy with a credit/debit card/bank account, or deposit USDT from your wallet.

How to buy $SORA token via exchange - Switch USDT for $SORA

Switch USDT for $SORA

Go to the spot marketplace, and switch USDT for $SORA.

How to buy ethereum meme coins token $SORA via wallet

How to buy ethereum meme coins token $SORA via wallet - Create wallet

Create wallet

Download Bitget Wallet or your wallet of choice from the App Store or Google Play store for free. Desktop users can download the Google Chrome extension from

How to buy ethereum meme coins token $SORA via wallet - Get some USDT

Get some USDT

Have USDT in your Bitget Wallet to switch to $SORA. If you don't have any USDT, you can buy some directly via your Bitget Wallet, transfer some from another wallet, or buy some from the Bitget exchange and transfer it to your wallet.

How to buy ethereum meme coins token $SORA via wallet - Go to Uniswap

Go to Uniswap

Connect to Uniswap. Go to Uniswap in Google Chrome or on the browser inside your Bitget Wallet app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $SORA token address into Uniswap, select $SORA, and confirm. Provide your sig when Bitget Wallet prompts you for a wallet signature.

How to buy ethereum meme coins token $SORA via wallet - Switch USDT for $SORA

Switch USDT for $SORA

Switch USDT to $SORA. Then, you can view $SORA in your Bitget wallet.

$SORA tokenomics

Token supply


Built On A Robust Blockchain Foundation, SORA Ensures Transparency And Security For All Transactions. The SORA Token Holder Community On Telegram Is More Than Just A Group—It's Where The Heart Of Our Project Beats. This Exclusive Space Is Designed For You To Connect With Fellow Visionaries, Enthusiasts, And The Minds Behind SORA. TRANSACTION TOKENOMICS: 0% Per Buy Transaction 0% Per Sell Transaction

$SORA tokenomics

$SORA roadmap

$SORA roadmap image 1
With SORA, you're not just using a platform; you're joining a movement towards accessible, AI-powered video creation. Whether you're a creator, a business, or simply an enthusiast, SORA offers you the tools to express yourself in ways never before possible.
$SORA roadmap image 2


Contact $SORA TwitterContact $SORA Telegram


What is a meme coins?
Meme coins are a type of cryptocurrency that's highly speculative and supported by certain enthusiastic online communities. meme coins are cryptocurrencies that gain popularity primarily through social media or the use of internet memes. Many meme cryptocurrencies have also been created as a joke. DOGE and SHIB, for example, are using the popular Doge meme as their mascot and inspiration. "Meme coin" is a term used to refer to cryptocurrencies named after characters, individuals, animals, artwork, or anything else that can be mimicked. Most are supported by enthusiastic online traders and followers and are generally intended to be light-hearted and fun.
What is the famous meme coins?
According to data published on CoinMarketCap, the total market capitalization of meme coins surpasses $10 billion. The platform has listed hundreds of registered meme coins, with some of the biggest being dogecoin (DOGE) which has been popularly endorsed by Elon Musk and is currently ranked as the eighth biggest cryptocurrency overall, shiba inu (SHIB), pepe (PEPE), and bone shibaswap (BONE) among many others. DOGE was created in 2013 and is poking fun at the complexities of bitcoin (BTC), the biggest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.
What affects the price of meme coins?
The price of meme coin is mainly affected by the supply and demand relationship in the meme coin community. Since meme coins are created mainly for social purposes and entertainment, their supply and demand are highly dependent on social trends and investor sentiment. For example, the price of DOGE or SHIB tends to surge when Elon Musk tweets about the cryptocurrency or even when he posts photos of his own Shiba Inu dog.
Is meme coins a good investment?
Meme coins can be a risky investment, but they can also be very profitable. If you are considering investing in a meme coin, it is important to do your own research and only invest in coins that you believe in.
How to buy meme coins?
Create a free account on the Bitget website or the app. Bitget is a centralized exchange where you can buy several cryptocurrencies including meme coin. Before you can use the Bitget platform, you'll need to open an account and verify your identification.