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X Empireの価格

X Empireの‌価格X


X Empireに投票しましょう!


今日のX Empireの価格

X Empire の今日の現在価格は、(X / JPY)あたり¥0.01718 で、現在の時価総額は¥11.85B JPYです。24時間の取引量は¥54.56B JPYです。XからJPYの価格はリアルタイムで更新されています。X Empire は-28.49%過去24時間で変動しました。循環供給は690,000,000,000 です。




X Empireの利益を計算する

X Empireの価格予測




2031年には、Xの価格は-1.00%変動する見込みです。 2031年末には、Xの価格は¥0.02299に達し、累積ROIは+12.06%になると予測されます。

X Empireの価格履歴(JPY)

X Empireの価格は、この1年で+6.66%を記録しました。直近1年間のJPY建てXNEWの最高値は¥0.08652で、直近1年間のJPY建てXNEWの最安値は¥0.004945でした。
時間価格変動率(%)価格変動率(%)最低価格対応する期間における{0}の最低価格です。最高価格 最高価格
すべての期間+6.66%¥0.004945(2024-11-03, 139 日前 )¥0.08652(2024-11-10, 132 日前 )

X Empireの市場情報

X Empireの時価総額の履歴

X Empireを今すぐ購入する

X Empireの集中度別保有量


X Empireの保有時間別アドレス


X Empireの評価


X Empire (X)について

X Empireとは?

X Empireは、以前はMusk Empireとして知られていた、Telegramで構築されたタップして稼ぐゲームです。このゲームには当初、イーロン・マスク氏の漫画が登場し、何百万人ものプレーヤーを魅了しました。ただし、このゲームはマスク氏から公式に承認されているわけではない点に注意が必要です。X Empireは、ゲームを含む様々なアプリケーションのために設計された分散型ブロックチェーンであるThe Open Network(TON)上で運営されています。3,500万人以上のアクティブユーザーを持つこのゲームは、成長し続けるTelegramベースのゲームの中でも特に人気を集めています。

プレイヤーは、イーロン・マスク氏やその他のプレミアムキャラクターを含むアバターをタップしてゲーム内通貨を獲得します。この通貨は、キャラクターや事業のアップグレードに使うことができ、ゲーム内での受動的収入を増やせます。X Empireの主な魅力は、シンプルな仕組みと暗号資産(仮想通貨)による報酬の可能性の組み合わせにあり、ゲーマーや仮想通貨愛好家にとって魅力的なものとなっています。

X Empireの遊び方

X Empireのプレイは簡単です。プレイヤーはアバターをタップしてゲーム内通貨を生み出します。ゲームの仕組みを簡単に説明しましょう。

1. タップして獲得: プレイヤーはアバターをタップしてゲーム内通貨を獲得します。各タップがプレイヤーの全体的な収益につながります。エネルギーバーがゼロになると、続けるためには再チャージが完了するのを待つ必要があります。

2. アップグレード:このゲームでは、リーダーシップや倫理観などの属性を含むアバターをアップグレードすることができ、それによってキャラクターの収益スキルを高めることができます。アバターだけでなく、プレイヤーは受動的な収入を増やすために、ゲーム内でビジネスベンチャーの改善に投資できます。

3. 受動的収入:プレイヤーはアバターやビジネスをアップグレードすることで、オフラインでも収益を蓄積することができます。ただし、受動的収入の発生は3時間以内に限られるため、プレイヤーは定期的にログインして報酬を受け取る必要があります。

4. 追加機能:X Empireでは、なぞなぞや株式市場のシミュレーションなど、毎日のチャレンジが用意されており、プレイヤーは投資先をうまく選ぶと、通貨を獲得できます。じゃんけん形式のミニゲームで他のプレイヤーと対戦するなど、マルチプレイでの交流も楽しめます。

X Empireのエアドロップについて知っておくべきこと

X Empireは、その待望のトークンのエアドロップにより、仮想通貨分野で注目を集めています。2024年9月下旬か10月上旬に予定されているこのエアドロップは、ゲーム内でのアクティビティに応じてプレイヤーに報酬が提供されます。以下はその主な内容です。

1. 参加資格

1. TONウォレットの接続:エアドロップを利用するには、TONウォレットをゲームに接続する必要があります。接続されたウォレットがなければ、トークンはプレイヤーに配布されません。

2. 1時間あたりの利益:プレイヤーのゲーム内収益は、エアドロップの割り当てを決定する大きな要因となります。アップグレードによる受動的収入が多ければ多いほど、エアドロップの山分けを多く受け取れる可能性が高くなります。

3. 友達の招待:友人をX Empireに招待することも、トークンの割り当てを決定する要因となります。招待の質、つまり招待された友達がどれだけ積極的に参加しているかによって、プレイヤーがエアドロップで受け取れる量が決まります。

2. 非アクティブユーザーのためのバーニングメカニズム:非アクティブなプレイヤー、または30日間ゲームにログインしていないプレイヤーは、ゲーム内通貨がバーンされます。これにより、プレイヤーが受け取れるトークンの数が減り、アクティブなプレイヤーはより大きな報酬を得られます。

3. 非公開の基準:エアドロップの配布の一部は透明化されていますが、Botの操作を防ぐために特定の非公開要素が使用されています。ただし、本物のプレイヤーにとって、このような非公開の指標は何の影響もないでしょう。


X Empireのネイティブ仮想通貨はXトークンと呼ばれます。総供給量6,900億トークンのXは、ゲームの主要通貨およびプレイヤーへの報酬メカニズムとして機能しています。Xトークンのトークノミクスは、コミュニティへの報酬とゲーム開発を優先するように設計されています。内訳は以下のとおりです。




X Empireトークンのローンチ日はいつですか?

X Empireのトークンローンチは2024年9月30日のゲームマイニングフェーズの終了直後、9月下旬から10月上旬の間に行われる予定です。このマイニングフェーズの間、プレイヤーは自分のアバターをタップしてゲーム内通貨を貯め続けることができ、これがエアドロップ時のトークン割り当て量を決定します。マイニングフェーズが終了すると、それ以降のゲームプレイの進行はエアドロップにカウントされず、プレイヤーはその時点までのゲーム内の成績に応じてトークンを受け取ることになります。


X Empire(X)の購入方法





X EmpireをXに交換

X EmpireをXに交換

BitgetでX Empireを購入するには、様々なお支払い方法をご利用いただけます。








X Empireの現在の価格はいくらですか?

X Empireのライブ価格は¥0.02(X/JPY)で、現在の時価総額は¥11,854,225,237.68 JPYです。X Empireの価値は、暗号資産市場の24時間365日休みない動きにより、頻繁に変動します。X Empireのリアルタイムでの現在価格とその履歴データは、Bitgetで閲覧可能です。

X Empireの24時間取引量は?

過去24時間で、X Empireの取引量は¥54.56Bです。

X Empireの過去最高値はいくらですか?

X Empire の過去最高値は¥0.08652です。この過去最高値は、X Empireがローンチされて以来の最高値です。

BitgetでX Empireを購入できますか?

はい、X Empireは現在、Bitgetの取引所で利用できます。より詳細な手順については、お役立ちの購入方法 ガイドをご覧ください。

X Empireに投資して安定した収入を得ることはできますか?


X Empireを最も安く購入できるのはどこですか?


X Empire(X)はどこで買えますか?

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Bitgetを介してオンラインでX Empireを購入することを含む暗号資産投資は、市場リスクを伴います。Bitgetでは、簡単で便利な購入方法を提供しており、取引所で提供している各暗号資産について、ユーザーに十分な情報を提供するよう努力しています。ただし、X Empireの購入によって生じる結果については、当社は責任を負いかねます。このページおよび含まれる情報は、特定の暗号資産を推奨するものではありません。



Bitget Earn

1 X = 0.01718 JPY


Cointribune EN
Cointribune EN
AI Agents Take Over The Future Of Automation Is Here
Artificial intelligence has taken a decisive step forward with the meteoric rise of ChatGPT, which has revolutionized both the general public and businesses. Yet, faced with the limitations of giant models, a new approach is emerging: intelligent agents. Capable of acting and interacting with their digital environment, they redefine the future of AI by moving from simple text generation to executing concrete and autonomous tasks. Just a few years ago, interacting with an artificial intelligence seemed like science fiction to the general public. But when ChatGPT appeared at the end of 2022, a radical evolution took place. Based on the GPT-3.5 model and freely accessible online, ChatGPT experienced a meteoric rise, reaching 100 million monthly users in just two months, a historic record for a consumer application. In comparison, services like TikTok took nearly 9 months to reach such an audience. While democratizing text generation by AI, ChatGPT has enabled non-specialists to experience the power of large language models, also known as LLMs. From schoolchildren to professional engineers, everyone could ask questions, get summaries, create code, and generate content ideas through a natural language computing conversation. The impact in the professional world has been just as significant. Several companies quickly integrated these models into their products and workflows. OpenAI generated nearly 1 billion dollars in revenue in 2023, potentially reaching 3.7 billion in 2024. This ascent was supported by the development of AI APIs and commercial licenses. The formation of major partnerships, such as with Microsoft, allowed ChatGPT to be included in users’ daily routines (search engines, office suites), further amplifying its impact. GPT-3.5 was a true turning point. AI could now compose coherent text on demand. GPT-4, created at the beginning of 2023, affirmed the revolutionary aspect of the software by notably improving its reasoning capabilities and image comprehension. In record time, text-generative AI has transitioned from a laboratory curiosity to an essential consumer tool, both for less experienced users and for companies seeking automation. However, this meteoric rise has been called into question by the evolution of giant models. Indeed, major players in the web, such as Open AI and its competitors (Anthropic, Google, Meta, Grok in the United States, Mistral in France, Deepseek and Qwen in China) have worked to increase the power of their LLMs since 2024. Thus, new records of performance and intelligence have been established at the cost of significant efforts and massive expenses. Nevertheless, gains tend to plateau compared to the initial spectacular jumps. Indeed, according to “scaling laws”, each new advancement now requires an exponential increase in resources (model size, data used, computing power), which progressively limits the real progress margin of artificial intelligences. In fact, doubling the intelligence of a model would not merely double the initial cost but multiply it by ten or a hundred: it would require both more computing power and more training data. Where the transition from GPT-3 to GPT-4 brought significant improvements (with GPT-4 performing approximately 40% better than GPT-3.5 on certain standardized academic exams), OpenAI’s next model (codenamed Orion) is said to offer only minimal improvements over GPT-4, according to some sources. This dynamics of diminishing returns affects the entire sector: Google reportedly found that its Gemini 2.0 model does not meet expected goals, and Anthropic even temporarily paused the development of its main LLM to reassess its strategy. In short, the exhaustion of large high-quality training data corpora, as well as the unsustainable costs in computing power and energy needed to improve models, lead to a sort of technical ceiling, at least temporarily. The numbers confirm this on benchmarks. The multitask understanding scores (MMLU) of the best models converge: since 2023, almost all LLMs achieve similar performances on these tests, indicating we are approaching a plateau. Even much smaller open-source models are beginning to compete with the giants trained by billions of dollars in investments. The race for enormity of models is therefore showing its limits, and the giants of AI are changing strategies: Sam Altman (OpenAI) stated that the path to truly intelligent AI will likely no longer come from simply scaling LLMs, but rather from a creative use of existing models. In clear terms, it involves finding new approaches to gain intelligence without simply multiplying the size of neural networks. Certain techniques, such as Chain-of-Thought (or Tree-of-Thought), allow the model to generate a “reasoning” (often referred to as “thinking” models) before providing its answer, within which it can explore possibilities and realize its mistakes… This is the hallmark of models o1, o3 from OpenAI , R1 from Deepseek , and the „Think“ mode of Grok… This method offers remarkable intelligence gains, particularly in mathematical problems. However, it still comes at a cost: one of the major benchmarks for testing model intelligence is the ARC-AGI (“Abstract and Reasoning Corpus for Artificial General Intelligence”), published by François Chollet in 2019, which tests the intelligence of models on generalization tasks like the one below : This benchmark remained a challenge too difficult for the entirety of general models for a long time, taking 4 years to progress from 0 % completion with GPT-3 to 5 % with GPT-4o. But last December, OpenAI published the results of its range of o3 models, with a specialized model on ARC-AGI achieving 88 % completion : However, each problem incurs a cost of over $3,000 to execute (not counting training expenses), and takes over ten minutes. The limit of giant LLMs is now evident. Instead of accumulating billions of parameters for ever-smaller returns in intelligence, the AI industry now prefers to equip it with “arms and legs” to transition from simple text generation to concrete action. Now, AI no longer merely answers questions or generates content passively, but connects itself to databases, triggers APIs, and executes actions: conducting internet searches, writing code and executing it, booking a flight, making a call… It is clear that this new approach radically transforms our relationship with technology. This paradigm shift allows companies to rethink their workflows and use the power of LLMs to automate tedious and repetitive tasks. This modular approach focuses on interaction intelligence rather than brute parametric force. The real challenge now is to enable AI to collaborate with other systems to achieve tangible results. Several intelligent agents already illustrate the disruptive potential of this approach: Anthropic, creator of Claude, recently published a new standard, the Model Context Protocol (or MCP), which should ultimately allow connection between a compatible LLM and “servers” of tools chosen by the user. This approach has already garnered much attention in the community. Some, like Siddharth Ahuja (@sidahuj) on X (formerly Twitter), use it to connect Claude to Blender, the 3D modeling software, generating scenes just with queries : The arrival of these agents marks a decisive turning point in our interaction with AI. By allowing an artificial intelligence to take action, we witness a transformation of work methods. Companies integrating agents into their systems can automate complex processes, reduce delays, and improve operational accuracy, whether it’s about synthesizing vast volumes of information or driving complete applications. For professionals, the impact is immediate. An analyst can now delegate the research and compilation of information to Deep Research, freeing up time for strategic analysis. A developer, aided by v0, can turn an idea into reality in just a few minutes, while GitHub Copilot speeds up code production and reduces errors. The possibilities are already immense and continue to grow as new agents are created. Beyond the professional realm, these agents will also transform our daily lives, sliding into our personal tools and making services once reserved for experts accessible: it is now much easier to “photoshop” an image, generate code for a complex algorithm, or obtain a detailed report on a topic… Thus, the era of giant LLMs may be coming to an end, while the arrival of AI agents opens a new era of innovation. These agents – Deep Research, Manus, v0 by Vercel, GitHub Copilot, Cursor, Perplexity AI, and many others – seem to demonstrate that the true value of AI lies in its ability to orchestrate multiple tools to accomplish complex tasks, save time, and transform our workflows. But beyond these concrete successes, one question remains: what does the future of AI hold for us? What innovations can we expect? Perhaps an even deeper integration with edge computing, or agents capable of learning in real time, or modular ecosystems allowing everyone to customize their digital assistant? What is certain is that we are still only at the beginning of this revolution, which may be the largest humanity will ever experience. And you, are you eager to discover Orion (GPT5), Claude 4, Llama 4, DeepHeek R2, and other disruptive innovations? Which tool from this future excites you the most?
Most stablecoins are dead money but $lvlUSD isn’t. It earns 6-8%+ APY, stacks XP rewards, and powers 40x incentive pools. I’ve been farming it for max yield and here’s why it’s one of the best stablecoin plays in DeFi right now. @levelusd TVL explode past $80M in just a few
Crypto News Flash
Crypto News Flash
XRP Futures Trading Gets CFTC Nod—Institutional Demand Rising?
Following Bitnomial’s New XRP Futures Contracts, as reported by CNF in 2024, the initiative initially aimed to boost market confidence. The Chicago-based digital asset derivatives exchange, Bitnomial, has launched the first-ever XRP futures contracts regulated by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). As tweeted on X by Bitnomial: Bitnomial is launching the first-ever CFTC-regulated $XRP futures in the U.S. — physically settled for real market impact. Plus, we’ve voluntarily dismissed our case against the SEC as regulatory clarity improves. 🚀 XRP futures are here! 🚀 Bitnomial is launching the first-ever CFTC-regulated $XRP futures in the U.S. — physically settled for real market impact. Plus, we’ve voluntarily dismissed our case against the SEC as regulatory clarity improves. — Bitnomial (@Bitnomial) March 19, 2025 According to reports, Bitnomial’s CFTC-approved XRP futures contracts represent a major milestone in the crypto derivatives market. These contracts are physically settled, meaning that upon expiration, they are delivered in XRP tokens — distinguishing them from cash-settled alternatives that do not directly involve the underlying asset. The introduction of these regulated futures contracts provides institutional and retail investors with a new way to gain exposure to XRP, potentially enhancing liquidity and market depth for the digital asset. Concurrently with the launch, Bitnomial announced the withdrawal of its lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The exchange had previously filed the lawsuit in October 2024, accusing the SEC of overstepping its jurisdiction by asserting that XRP futures should be classified as securities. The decision to retract the lawsuit aligns with recent developments, including the SEC’s decision to drop its appealagainst Ripple, the company behind XRP. This sequence of events has been viewed as a “resounding” victory for Ripple and has contributed to a more favorable regulatory environment for XRP. The launch of CFTC-regulated XRP futures by Bitnomial is expected to have several significant implications. First, regulated futures contracts could attract more institutional investors, increasing market maturity and stability. Second, increased liquidity and trading activity could lead to more accurate price discovery and reduced market volatility. Third, the availability of physically settled futures contracts could enhance market transparency and confidence among institutional and retail investors. According to a recent CNF report , Bitnomial’s platform debuted with $25M in Ripple support, underscoring the strategic alignment between the exchange and the XRP ecosystem. As of now, XRP is trading at $2.46, surging 7.52% in the past day and 10.31% in the past week.
💰 $VELODROME   /USDT 🔽SHORT ✳️ ENTRY - 6220 , 6350 , 6500 🎯 TARGETS - 6140 , 6050 , 5960 , 5853 , 5700 , 5500 🀄️ LEVERAGE -  cross 15x 🔴 STOPLOSS - 6780
$BANANA has been a powerhouse over the last three days, surging from $16.10 to a high of $24.84, delivering a 2x return for early traders. The strong bullish momentum is backed by an upward trend in EMAs, with the 5 EMA at $22.52 and 20 EMA at $19.61, confirming sustained buying pressure. The Parabolic SAR at $18.29 indicates a strong trend continuation, with no immediate signs of reversal. Traders should watch for a clean breakout above $24.84 to target $26-$27, while a retracement to $23-$22.50 could offer a re-entry opportunity. Maintaining tight stop-losses and securing partial profits at resistance levels will be key to maximizing gains in this fast-moving trend. good nays


すべてのBitget資産の中で、時価総額がX Empireに最も近いのはこれらの8資産です。